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113. Recommended landscape use provisions of the lake Baikal basin map

Recommended landscape use provisions of the lake Baikal basin map

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Recommended regimes for nature management

In this map, environmental functions of landscapes correlate with the recommended regimes of natural resources management. For example, a strictly protective regime of natural resources management is recommended for the goltsy-tundra-thin forest landscapes with the environment-forming function. This type of regime implies the implementation of preventive nature protection measures for any type of the use of the territory. These landscapes are characterized by their high sensitivity towards anthropogenic stresses. In this case, it is always necessary to consider the possibility of the development of any hazardous natural phenomena.

Steppe and dry steppe landscapes characterized by the moistening deficit are no less susceptible to anthropogenic stresses. They have a relatively low ecological potential. Steppe landscapes are more densely populated and developed by humans. Therefore, an operational-protective regime of natural resources management is recommended for these landscapes. It implies the continuous monitoring of the landscape’s condition throughout its use and implementation of scheduled activities aimed at its improvement.

Dark coniferous forests with cedar stands belong to the category of protected forests and are used for cedar nut harvesting and hunting. A protection regime of natural resources management is recommended for these forests.

The operational-protective regime of natural resources management is recommended for moss landscapes with the environment-stabilising function. In these landscapes, anthropogenic impacts accompanied by logging may lead to the increase of soil drying on slopes, and, at the same time, cause marsh formation on flat surfaces with slow runoff. In order to preserve the mossy taiga, which has a great importance for the environment and forest management, it is necessary to constantly monitor its state and control the compliance to the rules of forest management.

The herb taiga and subtaiga landscapes with the environment-protection function are of great economic value. Therefore, a protective-operational regime of natural resources management is recommended for such landscapes. These landscapes have a high ecological potential. Despite experiencing some moistening deficit, they are characterized by relatively favourable conditions for their natural resources management. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and comply to the production and environmental specialisation of nature protection measures.

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