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Natural resources of the ground waters map

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Natural groundwater resources

The map is based on the monograph by B.I. Pisarsky (1987) using medium-scale hydrogeological maps for Irkutsk oblast, the Republic of Buryatia and Tyva, Transbaikalia and Mongolia. The area principle of mapping of natural groundwater resources (in units of groundwater flow) was applied, as the complex hydrological and geochemical method of partitioning the hydrograph of the total stream flow was the principal one in the course of its comprehensive assessment. Mapping was carried out by the reference catchments located within the same aquifer system and characterized by the homogeneity of geological and hydrogeological conditions and sufficiently long series of runoff observations. For part of the territory where information was either not available or sparse, the mapping method was based on hydrological and hydrogeological analogy.

The color map is based on the energy principle. Cold colors correspond to low values of the rate of subsurface water flow, warm colors to the high values. Extremes of the spectrum of white correspond to the extreme values of the intensity of subsurface flow. Ranking of values of natural groundwater resources and class gradation are brought into compliance with that existing in this area [Natural Resources..., 1976]. A more fractional division of low classes is caused by the low values of rate of subsurface water flow in the territory of Mongolia, occupying a significant part of the Baikal basin.

Distribution of natural groundwater resources in the Baikal basin is extremely uneven; nevertheless it is generally subject to the vertical zonation and latitudinal zonality. Anomalous values of the rate of subsurface water flow are confined to the basins with complex hydrogeological conditions.


Natural groundwater resources in southern East Siberia. (1976). - Novosibirsk: Nauka. - 127 p.

Pisarsky, B.I. (1987). Laws of formation of subsurface drainage basin of Lake Baikal. - Novosibirsk: Nauka,- 158 p.

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