048. Mineral waters map
Mineral waters map
Mineral springs
The map is based on generalizing monographs, maps of mineral waters and field research data obtained by the authors.
The map depicts mineral springs, the water of which can be used for balneological purposes according to its physical and chemical properties. These characteristics include: water temperature (hot springs); radon content (cold radon springs), content of free carbon dioxide (carbonic cold springs), content of sulphate sulfur (cold hydrogen sulfide springs) and iron (ferrous cold springs).
This map can be used for the organization of sanatorium-and-spa construction, as well as for planning of underground thermal water use in thermal engineering.
Borisenko, I.M., Zamana, L. (1978). Mineral water of Buryatia. - Ulan-Ude: Buryat kn. izd-vo. - 163 p.
Map of the Republic of Tyva (tourism objects, objects of nature, arzhaans, photos).(2012). - M1:1000000, Kyzyl.
Lomonosov, I.S., Kustov, Yu.I., Pinneker, E.V. (1977). Mineral water in Baikal region. – Irkutsk: Vost. Sib . kn. izd-vo. - 224 p.
Mineral water of southern part of Eastern Siberia. Vol.II. (1962) – M.-L.: Izd. AN USSR. - 199 p.
Pissarsky, B.I., Nambar, B, Ariyadagva, B. (2003). Map of mineral waters in Mongolia. 1:2500000, - Ulaanbaatar.