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Baikal environment wave (Russia, Irkutsk region)


Contact Information:

664017, Irkutsk, Lermontova st., 140. Tel. / Fax: 8 (3952) 52-58-70



Council co-chairs: Burov E.M., Ogorodnikova I.N., Rikhvanova M.P.

Year of establishment: 1990, officially registered in 1992

Purpose of creation: to facilitate the transition of society on the path of sustainable development when human needs fit within the nature and the environment remains the greatest extent saved.

Main activities:

- Support for environmental education and awareness;

- Informing the public and to create conditions for public debate on environmental issues;

- Promote the growth of civic engagement in the community;

- Ensuring public participation in the decision-making process;

- Monitoring of compliance with environmental standards and regulations in the economic activity, environmental standards legislation.

Implementation of projects

In 2012, implemented the project «Reduce damage to agricultural fire wild Predbajkalja!». The main goal - the maximum information to the public and authorities about the negative impact on agricultural fire nature of the associated problems. In the period from May 22 to July 18, conducted 5 field trips in the forest-steppe regions of the Irkutsk region. Published and distributed (including schools, libraries) booklet «Pribaikalskyya steppe in the ring of fire». Project site

In 2012 and 2013. held public and scientific Baikal expedition. This is a pilot project to bring together resources and public organizations, local residents, science and educational institutions to assess the state of bays of Lake Baikal, the identification of indicators that state involvement in environmental monitoring of local residents.

In 2012, made the sampling and analysis of water from surface water (river, lake. Baikal), wells and other drinking water for local residents, conducted a survey of local residents and visitors to nine settlements in the south and south-east of Lake Baikal. The project created two public environmental agency on Lake Baikal – «River Watch» in Listvyanka and «Water Patrol» in Turka Preliminary results of the Baikal expedition announced in the Baikal Museum, at a meeting with members of refresher courses of educators, as well as the Public Council on the Environment of the Government of the Irkutsk region.

In 2013, on Olkhon island assess the status of populations of plants listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the Irkutsk Region: Olkhon astragalus and cherepoplodnik schetinistovaty; and examined the condition of the relic poplar groves of fragrant Delta Goloustnaya. The results of the expedition published on,

The alarming state of the Red Book of plants, logging and other issues were made inquiries in the West Baikal Prosecutor's Office, which audited. The prosecutor's office revealed violations of environmental laws.

In 2013, completed the project «International mutual assistance for sustainable development», in which assisted in the direction of environmentally oriented development of settlements in the Central Ecological Zone of the Baikal area (in accordance with the Federal Law «On Protection of Lake Baikal» and in support of the federal program «Protection Lake Baikal and the socio-economic development of the Baikal natural territory for 2012-2020»). In the village of Bolshoe Goloustnoye, Maloe Goloustnoye and and urban settlement Baikalsk with the participation and assistance of municipalities conducted an inventory of internal resources of the territories, primarily social, webinars to discuss topical issues and the development of environmentally oriented conference «The role of civil society in the sustainable development of local communities». As a result, developed the concept of sustainable ecologically oriented development of town Baikalsk, villages Bolshoe and Maloe Goloustnoye. Project site

In June 2013, together with the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) and with the participation of Commission for Water Coordination of Central Asia and the Environmental Department of the European Economic Commission held XIII International conference «Rivers of Siberia and the Far East», the results of which published a collection of materials.

In 2012 and 2013. implemented projects to disseminate the practice of building environmentally friendly composting toilets on the shores of Lake Baikal. A total of six built peat compost composting toilets for children's summer camps and tourist facilities.

NGO «BEW» - the regional coordinator of the international environmental program «Eco-Schools/Green Flag» and the international program SPARE (School program resources and energy). Guided tours in the interactive environmental center to inform about the possibilities of modern energy-saving and environmentally friendly lifestyle benefits. Develops and publishes interactive teaching and benefits of environmental issues: drive «Measure your carbon footprint», the game manual «Eco footprint goods» board games.

As part of a long-term project, in November-December 2013, together with an expert on birds of prey Stuart Miller (Scotland) and the Chinese Han Lyantsian ornithologist from the Southwest Forest University Kunming, members of the «Baikal Environmental Wave» made an expedition to China to study wintering sites Baikal imperial eagle population.

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