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Faction «Green Russia» in russian united democratic party «Yabloko» (Russia, Republic of Buryatia)



Contact information:

Ulan-Ude, Octyabrskaya st., 21

Tel .: 44-57-52, 8-924-653-14-86


Chairman BRO faction «Green Russia»: Tumureeva Natalia Nikolaevna; Chairman of the «Green Russia» Alexey Yablokov.

Year of establishment: April 2006

Purpose. Creating fraction was due to the fact that in today's Russia there is a shortage unifying ideas and policies, clear and close to the majority of citizens. The country needed a new political force, designed to guide the development of society in accordance with the laws of nature and the ideals of humanism, power, public trust and capable to defend the interests that unite the majority of citizens. So unconditional and general interest is to preserve the diversity of life on earth and the favorable environment of people - the main condition for sustainable development as a country, and the entire human civilization.

Today, most Russians are not available natural human right to breathe clean air, drink clean water, eat quality food, have healthy children. As a result, decreases the life expectancy is increasing mortality, the number of sick children. The process of physical and spiritual degeneration of the people, the degradation of nature in Russia. Ecological trouble was to hinder social and political development of Russia.

Implementation of projects

March 6, 2014 on the Arbat in Ulan-Ude activists faction «Green Russia» party «Yabloko» organized a picket in defense ecologist Eugene Vitishko, a member of the Board of Environmental Watch on the North Caucasus, illegally sentenced to three years in connection with its environmental and human rights activities.

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